It's Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts
Michael Cupo
The Four Principles
Instant Transformation: 12 Steps to Freedom
"The only way one's life will ever change is when the conditioning that makes it so changes."
Michael Cupo

Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts "The Buddha"
Addiction: The Real Cause
Although what occurs now happens now, when it’s seen through cloudy eyes it’s not seen as it actually happens. You can’t be present for the present until your cloudy eyes clear up…
Silence is where love closes the gap to our humanness. This closing comes from life itself, it’s not a doing or it would already be so. Silence is the closing to the true essence of life…
The energy that unites humanity is the energy of silence. Because of the assurance of this space others are attracted to it. It’s the one place where there’s unity simply because there’s the assurance of silence…
What the baited lies of unconsciousness do is it keeps the exact energy that you’re standing up against in place; in the process nothing changes…
The mind will only settle when there’s quiet. You can’t really do anything to settle it, it settles itself. When the intellectual mind stops intellectualizing, the internal noise will stop on in its own…
As long as there’s ignorance in place, this will be the operating energy of your life. This operating energy arises as perception and it doesn’t allow you to go beyond it…
Truth isn’t something manufactured to fit nicely into a made up story of how you think life should be; truth is already true and doesn’t need a story to expand…
Attach to less and less will be needed. Imagine needing less to be happy, joyous, and free with the understanding your completeness already is...DON'T BE A SHEEP!!!
A Mother's love is a special connection she has with her child. This connection is a sparkle beyond words and it's formed in the womb because mom and the child are the same energy...
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A Tribute to "It's Monday Only in Your Mind: You Are Not Your Thoughts"
"I have 2 online businesses, on both I posted your book, It's Monday Only in Your Mind as reading material for this year. Your written experience has influenced me more than any book I have read, what my M.A. in psych has taught me, 16 years of on/off therapy, Byron Katie workshops, personal interaction with Phil Lombardo, Shakit Gawin, Bob Stahl, Louise Hays and various Hay House authors that I personally know who have directed me towards my true being of love. There hasn't been a need to see my therapist for 6 weeks. I am looking forward to a new relationship with him and with myself. Thank you so much for discovering the truth and sharing it with the world. Without meeting you, I believe you are my friend."
Thank you!
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Chapter 12: Twelve Steps to Freedom: An Interpretation